Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial weekend madness

Why is it I get a 3 day weekend, but have no time to write? Perhaps the answer is that I try to fit everything I have or want to do into 3 days. At first, the plan was to spend all 3 days at the beach in New Jersey with my boyfriend's family. Then, the plan changed to include a reunion of the Bryn Mawr College Rocky Horror cast on Saturday night, which meant either driving back and forth from the beach, or driving up at a later time. My boyfriend was upset because he was looking forward to two nights at the beach, but his parents own the house, so it's not like we won't be back again. Later, my mom said she'd really like to see us at some point, especially as she had a rose bush that needed to be replanted. Also, she has been storing our air conditioner for us during the colder months, and with a heat wave on the way we would need it.
Now, the weekend plan was drive to my parents' house on Saturday morning, do yard work and pick up the air conditioner, drive to Bryn Mawr, see my friends and swim in the fountain, the drive to New Jersey at 1 am, spend Sunday at the beach, and come home on Monday. Much craziness, no? In the midst of all that, I enjoyed myself, and even got some sewing in, but isn't the whole point of a 3 day weekend to relax and slow down a bit? Especially Memorial Day weekend, as the whole reason for its existence is to slow down and reflect on the sacrifices made by soldiers past and present in service to their country.
The pace of daily life doesn't really allow for slowing down and reflecting, even on supposed vacations. At least 2 days a week, I get home 1 hour before I need to go to bed to get up the next day. The problem is compounded if you, like me, happen to live in America, the country that takes the least actual vacation time in the Western world. Perhaps what we need to do is just try to slow down inside the speed. Do what you need to do, but don't be rushed about it. It usually gets done faster if you don't try to rush it anyway. Breathe while you work.

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