At this point in my life, I have figured out how to be a happy person at least most of the time. I'm not blindingly happy all the time, more like content. Now, considering the fact that I live in a world that was not built for me filled with people I do not understand, this attitude might not make much sense.
I'm not saying it doesn't take work. It is actually quite tiring when you first start. I did it the same way I learned to look people in the eye whenI talk to them, or to go with the flow of a conversation, as opposed to continuously talking about the same subject when others have moved on. The biggest part of it is being aware. Be aware of your thoughts. Be aware of your actions and your words. Meditation is good for this. Meditation allows you to observe your thoughts and see what they're doing.
Many times, thoughts are like spoiled children. They do whatever they like because no one has ever really corrected them. They must be dealt with the same way. When I was little and I did something wrong, my dad would take me aside (make me stop doing it), asked me if I knew why it was bad, and get me to figure out something better I could be doing. It's the same way with thoughts. You observe them, then you see the thoughts that are not helpful. Thoughts like "This is boring" and "I hate ___" are not particularly helpful. When you think them, realize that these are not helpful, and stop the story. These thoughts will generally develop into a mental tirade if you let them. Stop the tirade. It is hard. The thoughts want to keep going. They're used to doing what they want. They're spoiled, remember? So, you need to be Supernanny. "No, you're not allowed to be over there! Come back over here!"
Next, you need to give the thought something else to do. If you are thinking bad thoughts about a person, try to see the world from their perspective. If you don't like your house, remember that it is YOUR house. It keeps you warm and dry. Think of home improvement projects if you like, to make your house better. Maybe that ugly wall would look better if you painted it yellow? If you're unhappy over the amount of things you have to do, remember that you never HAVE to do anything. You just need to do them if you want them done. They will be done in their own time. Breathe and get through them. It's okay to stop and have some tea. Just go back after.
Eventually, with discipline, spoiled thoughts become obedient thoughts. They will never be totally obedient, but it will get easier to get them on track when they stray.
As far as other things, I like to cuddle with my pet bunny. Bunnies absorb negative energy, as do all pets. Anyone who has ever owned a pet knows this. They take away the unhelpful energy and give you love back. This is why some people with anxiety disorders find it helpful to have a small animal with them at all times (usually a small dog or cat). When they feel overwhelmed, they can pet the animal, and the animal takes away the bad energy.
If you don't have a pet, you can still look at pictures of them, real pictures ( is a good place to find these), or just imagine something pleasant. I make it a point to imagine something pleasant every night before I sleep. I think of bunnies, Bermuda, sparkly fabrics, or anything else that makes me happy. It's good to have a nice image in your head when you sleep.
Another thing that helps me be happy is recognizing that I have no control over other people, or the weather, or Septa, or a great many other things. They are what they are. They will do what they do. Having your train be 2 hours late, or randomly decide that it isn't going to go to your station today, forcing you to walk 15 blocks in the rain, is incredibly annoying. No denying that. However, is it more helpful to complain, or start walking? Is it more helpful to curse as you walk, or admire the way the rain splashes on a statue? Is it better to be angry, or view it as a little adventure in your day?
These are thing that help me. If you're still reading this, I hope you find it helpful too.
Grammar rule for the day:
Apostrophes(') are for contractions and possessives, not plurals.
"I saw 3 ships." In this example, "ships" is plural (more than 1), so there is no apostrophe.
"I saw the ship's bell." In this example, the bell belongs to the ship, so it gets an apostrophe.
"The ship's sailing away." In this example, "ship's" is a comtraction of "ship is" the apostrophe replaces the missing letter, in this case, the i in "is."
"I saw 3 ships' bells" In this example "ships' " is both plural and possessive, so the apostrophe goes after the s.
For plurals that don't gain an s, like "sheep" and "men," the apostrophe goes before the s. "Men's room."
For things that end in s, like the name "Mrs. Jones," the apostrophe goes after the s. "Mrs. Jones' house."
Please enjoy and use grammar!
YAY I'm your first follower! :) great tips on staying calm, I need to keep that in mind more often when I'm tempted to complain about annoying things in my day, that I really shouldn't let bother me...
ReplyDeleteand, love the grammar rant ;)
I rant about grammar sometimes too, if you wanna read hehe.
Hey! I'm finally following you too now that I remembered my login. Happy thoughts... I was like this before college/this area. I wish I could purge my brain. Yay blog!