A while ago, I had the idea that it would be really fun to have a wardrobe that I could organize chronologically. On one side, there would be an Ancient Egyptian linen dress, a Minoan skirt and blouse, etc., and on the other side would be more modern clothing. In between would be every historical style that I could either find a pattern for, or figure out to make by myself. I decided to start in the 14th century and work my way forwards, and backwards. For each era, I want to have at least 8 different outfits. I've decided to use Sabbat and other holiday colors so I always have an idea of what I'm doing next. I'm also going to make whatever strikes my fancy in the style of the time. For example, I also plan to have a goth outfit, and I'm currently working on a kirtle that can function as a bathing suit, which brings me to another point: I do not plan to stick to historically accurate materials. I'm not wearing wool in the summer. I may change my mind later, but right now I'm using whatever looks okay, won't kill me when I decide to wear it, and is cheap.
As stated, I started this project a while ago, so I do have a portion of it done. I was hoping to post some pics of what I have, but my camera is currently nonfunctional. I will post pics of my work as soon as I either buy a new camera or fix the old one.
Thus far I have made:
1 set of 14th century underwear - actually made of linen. It looks like a sundress.
3 kirtles- one white (for May Day at Bryn Mawr College), one blue, one green (these two for Litha)
2 sideless surcotes- one May Day white and one blue
1 white veil. I wore this to May Day, but, as I understand it, veils of this period were generally white, so I can wear the white veil with other outfits.
Right now I'm working on the "bathing suit" kirtle, which is taking a while because it needs to be reinforced more than the others. I'm also making hoods of various colors to go with the outfits.
As I said, I will post pics as soon as possible, and then keep up with the project as it develops.
Please comment! I want feedback! :)